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Thoughts to Share
Reflections and resources from our founder, personal development coach and executive coach, Lizzie Alberga. You'll find a holistic approach to work+life visioning and practical tools to help you succeed.

Lizzie Alberga
Nov 23, 20212 min read
How to Master the Timing of Growth
Think about growth as a window, a moment of opportunity that life gives us. Those moments of truth when things are very clear.

Lizzie Alberga
Nov 16, 20214 min read
It is so much easier to be unhappy
Happiness requires vulnerability. Unhappiness is stagnant. It keeps you right where you are, protects you from judgment and attention.

Lizzie Alberga
Nov 2, 20215 min read
The Wisdom that Gives Me Courage.
There is no rush in nature. No frenzy. No confusion. Everything is in perfect working order. And so are you.

Lizzie Alberga
Sep 21, 20216 min read
Forget Coaching, This is What I'm Really Selling.
It’s not coaching that I need to sell. I’m selling what happens during and after coaching to the human spirit and mind.

Lizzie Alberga
Jul 14, 20216 min read
The Individuals Among Us
Life gets better for everyone when we each claim our individuality and live life with the sovereignty we were designed to thrive on.

Lizzie Alberga
May 20, 20216 min read
The 3 Steps to your Most Empowered Self
To be brave, means to have courage. To have courage means to have confidence. And confidence means to have belief in yourself. It’s not...

Lizzie Alberga
May 5, 20214 min read
Slowing Down to Experience More: A Strategy to Live a Fuller Life
How bringing softness into our lives allows for a fuller life experience.

Lizzie Alberga
Apr 14, 20213 min read
Self Discovery and Understanding Your Personal Process
If you've been following Collective Gain for a while, you may have heard me speak about the topic of self-discovery and how each of us...

Lizzie Alberga
Mar 25, 20215 min read
A Coaching Story: What's the Cost?
Ask yourself what the cost is to continue following the path that is leading you to a destination you’re not looking to reach.

Lizzie Alberga
Feb 3, 20217 min read
The Real Power of Having a Coach
You can’t really understand the value of having a coach until you experience it. This is why most coaches offer one to two hours of...

Lizzie Alberga
Jan 27, 20214 min read
The Casualty of Comfort
When we’re comfortable, we stop seeking. We stop asking what it is we want to deeply experience.

Lizzie Alberga
Jan 13, 20215 min read
Uncovering a Life-Changing Moment
How a single moment shifted how I experienced and lived my life for the next 20 years, and how I began to heal.

Lizzie Alberga
Jan 6, 20215 min read
Letting Go for Genius
Founders, bosses, managers, those with little time and lots of responsibility: We’re told to hire help. But we’re not told to let go. To...

Lizzie Alberga
Dec 22, 20205 min read
A Move in the Right Direction
About 15 years ago, I started wanting to leave LA. But jobs and new opportunities were too enticing to leave.
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